February Content Ideas

February is the shortest month of the year and for most teachers it feels like the longest month of the school year. Other than President’s day, there seems to be no break in the month. The students have started to get comfortable with the class and their true selves - good or bad - are starting to show.
While I think each month has a day to celebrate chocolate in some form, I know February has the most. I didn’t put them all in the chart because it seems a little overkill. Here’s the whole list:
5th - National Chocolate Fondue Day
9th - Chocolate Day
14th - Valentines Day
14th - National Cream Filled Chocolates Day
19th - Chocolate Mint Day
25th - National Chocolate Covered Nut Day
28th - National Chocolate Souffle’ Day
Is it any wonder that February 9th is National Toothache Day? I guess all of the days to celebrate chocolate are offset by National Clam Chowder Day (25th) and National Chili Day (27th).
Use these ideas to help ease your workload - especially if you pair these with our Black History Month ideas, your content calendar should be full and you get to move from creating ideas to coaching your students.
Date |
| Topic |
| Ideas |
2/1/2025 | National Get Up Day Offers an opportunity to share inspiring stories of perseverance. The day reminds us to pick ourselves up when we've fallen and giving it (whatever it may be) another go! | Man On The Street: Share the greatest inspirational message you have ever received Interview: Talk with an adult (coach, admin, teacher) and discuss what inspires them. | ||
2/2/2025 | National Tater Tot Day | This would be something great to put together for your social media channels. Just a quick package to detail the history of the tater tot and create engagement by asking followers to comment where they get the best tots! | ||
2/2/2025 | Groundhog Day | This would be best done as a package on your show on Monday the 3rd. Have a student cover the local reaction to groundhog day (play up the excitement for an early spring or dread for a longer winter) , if there is a local version of groundhog day, then have a student cover that and create a package for the show on Monday | ||
2/3/2025 | National Carrot Cake Day | Man On The Street: Have students sample carrot cake and get their reaction. Carrot Cake seems to be like Mayonnaise in that it is very polarizing. | ||
2/3/2025 | National Golden Retriever Day | Work with a local vet or pet adoption agency to discuss Golden Retreiver or find a student with a Golden Retreiver and do a package about their relationship with the dog. | ||
2/3/2025 | Feed The Birds Day | Simple package to discuss Feed The Birds day or work with your Ag department to discuss raising chickens or other birds. | ||
2/3/2025 | National Women Physicians Day | Work with a local female physician to do a package about her journey. Work with your health sciences/medical programs to discuss women in medicine. Interview teachers and female students about their roles and goals. | ||
2/4/2025 | Thank Your Mailman Day | For several days before the 4th, have students interact with their mail person. Give water, shake hands, etc. Work with the local postmaster to do a package about the local mail delivery process. | ||
2/4/2025 | World Cancer Day | Work with a local cancer awareness organization to create a package about a specific cancer and how the community can help. If you have a teacher or student cancer survivor, create a package about their experience. | ||
2/5/2025 | World Nutella Day | Man On The Street: A Nutella Taste Test. Put Nutella on random things and have students do a taste test to see if Nutella truly makes everything better. | ||
2/5/2025 | World Weatherperson’s Day | Work with a local news station to interview their Weatherperson. Have non-broadcast students and teachers/admin work as guest weather people and try to navigate giving the forecast on a green screen. | ||
2/5/2025 | National Chocolate Fondue Day | Do your students know what Fondue is? This may be a great way to work with a culinary department to discuss and sample fondue | ||
2/5/2025 | National Signing Day | For many high school athletes, this day is the pinnacle of their career. Coverage should be a package of any signing day events that includes interviews with the athletes to get a look at the recruiting process and why they decided to go where they chose. If you have a local college or university, set up an interview to discuss the recruiting process, what they are looking for and more. Pair this with a high school student or coach’s perspective of the process. | ||
2/6/2025 | National Chopsticks Day | Can you use chopsticks? Have random students attempt to pick up things with Chopsticks. This paired with an explainer about how to use chopsticks would be of great value to your community. | ||
2/6/2025 | National Frozen Yogurt Day | Frozen Yogurt Taste Test: Find odd flavors of FroYo and have students try to guess what they are. | ||
2/7/2025 | National Fettuccine Alfredo Day | Work with your culinary department to create a package about Fettuccine Alfredo or something related to making homemade pasta, etc. | ||
2/7/2025 | Give Kids A Smile Day | This is a great day to reach out to your feeder schools and do something fun with those students. Set up an interview booth and ask what makes the kid smile. (Work with a specific class or two and get parent permissions early) This could be cute and funny. | ||
2/7/2025 | National Send A Card To A Friend Day | Have students write a card to another student in this school and deliver the note and have the recipient read them on camera. | ||
2/7/2025 | National Wear Red Day | National Wear Red Day is an attempt to raise awareness of the dangers and prevention of heart disease. Work with a local medical professional to do an interview about heart disease. | ||
2/8/2025 | National Kite Flying Day | Flying a kite isn’t as easy as many think. Have students work to produce a package where they try to fly a kite. The 8th is a saturday so this package could be a wrap-around piece with the students talking about their attempt to fly the kite on Friday and footage of their attempts on Monday’s show. | ||
2/9/2025 | Superbowl Sunday | The Super Bowl is an annual event that is known for two things: Food and Commercials. One of my favorite assignments was to have students recreate Superbowl commercials. It’s a relatively simple process because the shots and script are already done. They just have to shoot and edit… these are typically HILARIOUS. The other thing you could do is work with your culinary department to showcase simple Super Bowl party recipes. Or have your students create process videos showing their recipes. | ||
2/9/2025 | National Toothache Day | Work with a local dentist to discuss best dental practices… it’s not very sexy but will be something that gets more community members aware of your program. If your school has a dental hygienist program/pathway, it’s a natural fit. | ||
2/10/2025 | International Epilepsy Day | A package about epilepsy and it’s treatment would be good here. Student recognition of epilepsy is probably high but actual knowledge isn’t. | ||
2/11/2025 | Thomas Edison’s Birthday | An explainer about Edison and his inventions would be a great way to partner with your science department. | ||
2/11/2025 | International Women and Girls In Science Day | If you have a strong STEM program at your school, a package about women in STEM will go a long way to build love for your program. It’s a simple task, create a package about women who have made an impact on science and tie it in with female students who do STEM and you have a win. | ||
2/12/2025 | Hug Day | Check out the Free Hugs movement and do something along those lines at your school. | ||
2/12/2025 | Darwin Day | Who was Charles Darwin? Why was he important? | ||
2/13/2025 | Galentines Day | This is a day to celebrate female friendships. Have female students talk about their female friendships? A larger concept could be following a group of female students as they hang out and do “girl” things as a package where they discuss self care, etc. | ||
2/13/2025 | World Radio Day | Do a package about a local radio station or personality. Talk about how radio impacted the community throughout history. | ||
2/14/2025 | Valentines Day | MAN ON THE STREET: What would be the worst Valentines Day date? MAN ON THE STREET: What is Valentines Day? | ||
2/14/2025 | International Book Giving Day | Pair this with Valentine's Day and your school library and/or a local bookstore to have students give each other books for Valentines Day. Work with your local library to share books you will “love.” | ||
2/15/2025 | Singles Awareness Day | The alternative to Valentine’s day. It has a good story and could be a great VO explainer. | ||
2/17/2025 | President’s Day | Work with your social studies department. Have each teacher tell their favorite president and why. | ||
2/17/2025 | Random Acts Of Kindness Day | Find simple things you can do to make someone happy. Little acts like a cup of coffee, a high five, the more simple things the better… these could be used as transitions in your show. | ||
2/18/2025 | Flirting Day | MAN ON THE STREET: What’s the best, school appropriate, pick up line? | ||
2/19/2025 | International Tug Of War Day | This could go two ways: Simple: Tug of War with a small string and two people face off pulling just using their pinkie. Complex: Group Tug Of War - Teams v. Teams; Subject v Subject (Science v Math) using a real Tug Of War Rope | ||
2/20/2025 | World Love Your Pet Day | Work with the local ASPCA chapter or Pet Adoption Agency to discuss adopting pets. Every school has that teacher or student who is obsessed with their pet. Do a package about that relationship. Interview people to try to find the most random pet. | ||
2/21/2025 | National Sticky Bun Day | Work with the Culinary department to do a process piece about how to bake sticky buns. | ||
2/22/2025 | George Washington’s Birthday | Wooden Teeth? Couldn’t tell a lie. What are the myths about Washington that could be dispelled? | ||
2/22/2025 | National Walking The Dog Day | A fun piece would be to mount a GoPro or other camera to a dog and do a POV of that dog playing. | ||
2/22/2025 | World Thinking Day | Founded by the Girl Scouts, World Thinking Day is used to discuss things that affect girls and women Work with a local girl scout troup to do a package about their world Thinking Day activities. | ||
2/27/2025 | National Chili Day | Do a chili cook off with the faculty or between departments. Have students create hype videos during the week with each competitor talking up their Chili. Cover the cookoff on the 27th and pay off the contest with the winner announcement on the 28th - a Friday! This could be a great way to build both social media presence and show presence in the school. | ||
2/27/2025 | National Pokemon Day | Got Pokemon Fact? Can you Catch Em All? Do a man on the street piece where you create fake Pokemon names to be paired with real Pokemon names and ask people if the name is a Pokemon or not. For example, Is “Nagachu” a Pokemon? | ||
2/28/2025 | National Pancake Day | Take care of your teachers. Create a pancake bar in the workroom. Have teachers discuss their pancakes and why they added the toppings they did. | ||
2/28/2025 | First Day Of Ramadan | What is Ramadan? How is it celebrated? Do a package about Ramadan. | ||
2/28/2025 | Rare Disease Day | Work with your local health department to discuss a rare disease that has impacted the area. Work with a teacher or student who has a rare disease and do a package about their disease and their journey. |
February has a lot going on. Also keep in mind the administrative and athletic things that will happen in February:
Registration for classes
Tours for incoming students
Winter athletics playoffs
Start of spring sports
Meet the Author, Tom White
Tom White is the Education and House of Worship Specialist at Amitrace. Tom's role is to help educators build better programs through better training, planning, and equipment. Before joining Amitrace, Tom was the Broadcast Engineer at Grady College of Journalism and Communication at the University of Georgia. Prior to that role, Tom taught at Morgan County High School and Rockdale Career Academy where he and his student produced thousands of live streams for sports, news, and community events. Tom’s program at the Rockdale Career Academy received the NFHS Network Program Of The Year in 2016 and his program at Morgan County High School received the New Program of the Year title in 2018. Tom has been a long time contributor to many publications and is the host of Teaching to The Test Pattern Podcast.
March is no man’s land in the school year. You are past the excitement of Christmas, not quite to Spring Break, and certainly no where near summer.
This month, there are a ton of great things to celebrate, cereal, tamales, Oreos, and more…. they aren’t all food but there is a lot this month.
Check out the list of ideas to create content every day in March.
February is the birth month of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass which played a large part in Carter G. Woodson’s creation of Black History Week and later Black History Month in 1926. Carter is called the “Father of Black History Month” and helped found the Association for the Study Of African American Life and History.
Black History Month is not only an American institution, it is also celebrated in Canada and the United Kingdom - though the UK celebrates in October.
Below you will find 28 ideas aligned to dates to help you and your students get a plan together for how to incorporate Black History Month into your program. I highly suggest that you bring in other people, programs, and community organizations to help your students tell these amazing stories.
February is the shortest month of the year and for most teachers it feels like the longest month of the school year. Other than President’s day, there seems to be no break in the month. The students have started to get comfortable with the class and their true selves - good or bad - are starting to show.
Use these ideas to help ease your workload - especially if you pair these with our Black History Month ideas, your content calendar should be full and you get to move from creating ideas to coaching your students.
In this portion of the conversation, we will take a look at trends in video production that will have a great impact on your classroom. From advanced production techniques that are simple enough to be done in K-12 to how the industry’s sales goals will trickle down to your classroom, let’s take a look at the 5 trends to watch in 2025.
January is often the hardest month of the year for those that are doing broadcasts. The expectation of good content was set in the fall and now the community expects you to hit the ground running. They don’t know that you have a new batch of students or that your students wrapped up their brain and gave it away during the holidays. Use the chart below to kickstart your storytellers. I’m going to give you a couple of weeks to get the students up to speed and give some production time…
As I look ahead professionally, there are things that I know will impact you in the classroom. This list isn’t all inclusive and truthfully, as I started to compile this I struggled to trim it. I think our world is about to change greatly when it comes to video production. There are things to be excited about and some things to be aware of but for the most part, I think your role as a pathfinder for your students is going to become more important each month of 2025 as technology continues to grow.
Tom shares his presentation on writing for news by introducing “Jerry.” This presentation was toured throughout 2023-2024 in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee.
In April, I went to Mobile Alabama for the first time. It had never been a destination for me (not a fan of heat or humidity). Honestly, it still isn’t a destination for me with the exception of educational events and a little experiment that I set forth in April.
Stream Semester is a digital magazine focused on industry news, resources, and exclusive interviews for mass media, video production, and broadcast education professionals.
To get in touch with us about breaking news, gear reviews, advertising opportunities, or becoming a contributor, send us an email at streamsemester@gmail.com.
A new year is often seen as a time to start new things - diets, workout plans, etc. I think sometimes it’s just as important to stop doing things. Especially if they are negatively impacting you or your classroom. Here are the top 5 things I believe you should stop doing in 2025 to keep your sanity, engage more students, and grow your program.